Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Meeting Report From Ed Huml

The meeting held last Sunday was interesting for two reasons. One was how few people showed. The other was the great ideas we talked about.

So besides Martine Bisagni, who graciously hosts us at the Brooklyn Workshop Gallery, we had Lynn Goodman, Susan Locla, Joan Shulman, Susan Handwerker and myself. (Kudos to Joan who was returning from a wood firing in Syracuse! Talk about mileage ....)

Some of the ideas we discussed included how to recruit new members and grow the organization (advertise at schools). We talked about having a show/sale of members work during the Fall Gowanus Studio Tour as an incentive to join. It's a bit too late for this year but wonderful idea as so many people do the tour and buy work too. Martine suggested we could possibly use the yard space next door that is open to the street and has a gravel surface. I think its a great idea. We could get event insurance to cover us for not a lot of money Martine said. She said that the Carroll Park is a good place to have a show. So we talked about a Spring show there. Also raising the dues as well as having a student rate so we can afford to do many new things. Another item talked about is meeting every month. We discussed the idea that as a local potters organization we could offer some members willing to do working artist visits/workshops at local schools. Help raise awareness of the group.

I also did a short demo on pottery tools at the end. I'm willing to do again so more can see it.

I'm sure I've forgotten lots of other brilliant ideas that were floated. But you all can see we had a lively discussion. We need to have more input from everyone. 

We need a couple of members to join the planning committee to organize the speakers at upcoming meeting. Any volunteers? Who or what do you want to see? Help make that happen!

So folks what do you think we need/should/want to do? 

Ed Huml

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