Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Dues and donation to the Park Slope Y

Hi all.

It was decided at this last meeting to give a gift of $200.00 to the Y as a thank you for allowing us to hold meetings in their space for the past years. We gave what we could considering our current budget which brings me to the next topic. Dues are due!  $25.00 for the year. This money is used for paying program presenters such as the upcoming Ikabana workshop on May 4th.

Please send your dues to Ragnar. If you don't know the address please email me an I will give it to you. You all should have my email address if you have been receiving BPG emails from me.


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