Saturday, October 17th
3 PM
Ragnar Naess will talk about his teacher Marguerite Wildenhain,
who with a couple of her colleagues, started with Walter Gropius
at the opening of the Bauhaus and was responsible for Gropius' inclusion
of a true clay apprenticeship program as part of the Bauhaus curriculum.
She was twice a refugee during the war, ending in California where she lived
and taught for the rest of her life.
Joseph Paulshel's clay demonatration.
Artist Statement:
"... I am interested in identity translation; specifically how discarded memory
is managed, collected and reinterpreted..."
Sunday, October 18th
2 PM
Don Fletcher and John Mosler, artist who worked as studio managers for and
studied under Toshiko Takaezo, will show samples of her work and discuss
how she influenced both their work and the direction of their lives. John now lives in
Brooklyn while Don runs an artist retreat in Toshiko's former studio in Quakertown, NJ.
Tanya Robinson's clay demonstration
Artist Statement:
"... As a ceramic sculptor, I constantly search for new approaches to address
subjects of fertility, beauty and life in my sculptures..."
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