Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

WOOD FIRE in Cold Spring NY

Hello Wood-fire Enthusiasts,

I'm now accepting reservations for participation in the June wood-firing of my Anagama/Noborigama kiln in Cold Spring, NY.

Please RSVP and see attached June Wood-fire Announcement, 2015 Firing Dates, Firing Fee Forms, Recommended Clays and Directions.


Load -- Sat June 20 & Sun 219am
Fire --   Thu June 25 thru Sat June 27.
Take down doors -- Thu July 9, 10am
Unload – Sat July 11, 10am


Load: 9 amSat June 20. (Loading all day)
           9 amSun June 21. (Continue loading until finished)

Fire: 8 amThu June 25 until midnight Sat June 27. (3 days)

Shifts: 8am to 4pm4pm to 12am12am to 8am thru midnight Sat June 27.

Unload: 10amSat July 11.

Fee: 9 cents per cu. inch.


Raw clay body or stable wood-fire cone 10-12 glazes. Cone 10 Shino's strongly recommended and supplied. Other glazes for liner glaze only, otherwise they will run and damage the shelves.

Shift Schedules:
Two people per 8 hr shift, or part of a shift, or if you are not available for shifts your work can be fired for you. Supervision and instruction given at all times.

More specific information about the stoking shift & glazing schedule once you sign up.

*Please visit us on Facebook to view images of the April firing and to like and post images and comments about our recent firings. If you have some great pieces, please post those.  

Look forward to hearing from you for another productive season of wood-firings. Happy making.


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