Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Empty Bowls in Providence and Dues are Due

Please discuss at the upcoming meeting

Dues are Due!!

From Ragnar: Note I received from John at start of February.  They have decided they can’t take on the full case but I have sent them digital images of it as well as three of our poster formats to show.

They have the AMERICAN ARTIST article for information which is sufficient.


We spoke years ago about the great cubbie that the Brooklyn Potters used to display
and sell Empty Bowls.

We are organizing the 25th anniversary exhibition that will take place

next spring in Providence, perfectly timed to be open when NCECA holds their conference

   Working Together/Everyone Eats:  
25 years of The Empty Bowls Project
        March 24 to July 2, 2015
    Johnson and Wales University  
        Culinary Arts Museum  
              Providence, RI

We want to acknowledge the cubbie that your organization created and explain how it

was utilized. Space allowing (which at this point is  a big question) we would like to re-create the

display and fill it will bowls as a way of providing ideas to the exhibition visitors. If we do not

have the room, we will create a text panel with a photograph and explanation.

Could you provide me with the dimensions of the display unit? I have a great photo and

can figure out the proportions of the individual spaces but would like it to be as close to the

original as possible. If we can actually build and display it, we will fill it with bowls. These bowls

will not be for sale. They will remain in the exhibition the entire time it is open. It is our intention

to provide these bowls. However, if it seems important to you and your colleagues to actually

use bowls from your organization, we would welcome that. We just did not want to presume that

your group would want to provide so many bowls. Any bowls we do receive can be donated to

our organization for use following the exhibition or they can be returned once the show closes.

All of that would be up to your fellow potters there.

I spoke with Lynn Goodman and she explained that she believed the display unit is not

being used currently. If that is the case and you could loan it to us for the exhibition, that would

work well for us. Again, that would be entirely up to your group.

Just let me know how we might proceed. The display unit was a great idea and we want

to share the concept as best we can.

Empty Bowls | a grassroots movement to help end hunger

John Hartom    imagineren@yahoo.com 

The Empty Bowls Project,  P.O. Box 1689,  Burnsville, NC 28714

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