Susan Loche thought this might be of interest:
By now you know that we develop what some Korean tour authorities are calling, “The most comprehensive and culturally rich tours to Korea”. You probably also know we are not professional travel agents but simply people who have been to Korea many times, have made many contacts there and who organize these tours simply to promote Korean arts and culture.
Spring of 2015 provides us two exceptional tour possibilities. The Korean Ceramic Tour in mid to late April will experience the breadth and depth of Korea’s exciting ceramic culture by visiting significant ceramic artists and both the Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale (formally WOCEF) and the Mungyeong Teabowl Festival. This is a very rare paring of festivals as GICB typically takes place in autumn.
Tea Tour Korea 2015 that will take place in May. It too will visit the GICBiennale and significant teaware artists but will also visit the Hadong Tea Festival and many significant tea producers throughout Korea. If the timing is right and it looks that way at this writing we would also experience the gorgeous and exciting Lotus Lantern Festival in Seoul.
Although I have said this before, these two tours may be the last tours we host to Korea. We will not hast a tour to Korea in 2016.
If you have ever considered joining us. or returning to be with us one more time. 2015 is the time to join us.
There is no obligation to be on the “interested list”, Please send us your name and email address to secure your spot at least until we receive confirmation of the festival dates in Korea. Only GICB is known for sure at this writing.
Like us on our Morning Crane Tea Facebook page at:
These tours will both be small group tours offered at essentially no profit. Again, Korean travel authorities have called our tours, “The most comprehensive and culturally rich tours to Korea”. Native Koreans on our tours have said they had never been so enriched by Korea’s culture. “You know Korea better than I do.” they have said. Now, in 2015 you have the opportunity to visit this amazing country. Contact us to be added to the list for one or both of these tours and to learn more at no obligation.
Arthur K. J. Park
Morning Earth Korea
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