Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Next Meeting - March 9th and Last Meeting Minutes

The last meeting on Jan. 12th 2014 was the annual "Gift Exchange". 
In attendance were:
Lucille Wright, Susan Locke, Lynn Goodman, Marsha Clark-Lind, Barbara Cahn, Ellen Reznick
Gene Nichol, Victoria Bellinger, Ed Bellinger, Steven Sommers, Joan Shulman, Ming Yuen-Schat (new) and our Prez Ed Huml
Barbara Cahn is arranging to have the Ikabana workshop on May 4th. If you are interested email Barbara multiple images of your piece that you will be working with. Include the measurement of the opening and size of your pot. This will be directed to the teacher. She will have all materials for 8 to 10 arrangements. You will be learning the formal techniques for Ikabana flower arrangement.
Possible programs in the future include a website tutorial, learning how to put your work on Etsy and photographing your work. Ideas are welcome. 
Local NYC Shows to see: 
Museum of Art and Design at Columbus Circle - "Out Of Hand" 
Met Museum UES - "Venetian Glass"

We will be holding out next Potter's meetings at the Y on March 9th. Program is to follow.

The Y has generously allowed us to use their beautiful meeting room at no cost but unfortunately, after the March 9th meeting, that will no longer be the case. I had requested the room for a meeting on May 4th as well but was informed that from now on, we would be charged for the use of the room and the cost would be $175.00 for the first hour and $125.00 for every hour after that. I reminded the director that we are a non-profit and that we do community service by donating to the Empty Bowls Project, as well as donating $500 every year to the Y and she responded by saying that because we were a non-profit, she would give us a 10% discount on the cost of the room. If you do the math, a three hour meeting would cost us about $383.00. Obviously, we all need to brainstorm and figure out another wonderful place for our meetings.
Please try to attend the meeting on March 9th so that we can all have input on this new development.

Hope you're staying warm,
Ellen Reznick

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