Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Brooklyn Potters Meeting 1/13/13

Brooklyn Potters Meeting  1/13/13
Submitted by Sabina Magnus

Contact - Ragnar Naess
Thank you!

Present: Gene Nichol, Joan Shulman, Victoria Bellinger, Ed Bellinger, Gina Stees (new), Ed Huml, Jessica Katz, Steven Sommers, Ragnar Naess, Leslie Ferrett, Barbara Cahn, Ellen Resnick, Ronnie Wolf, Susan Locke, Lynn Goodman, Laura Kastin, Susan Handwerker, Sabina Magnus.

Opening comments: The last meeting was sparsely attended so quarterly meetings with a particular focus was suggested. The blog is up and running. Please add your email address to the "Follow by Email" box so that you can get post automatically. You can add comments to posts. If you have something that you think is valuable to the group it can be posted by emailing the moderator (sabinamagnus@gmail.com). 
Members who saw the Paul Chaleff workshop thought it was very interesting and gave it good reviews. He uses paper clay and fire clay to produce large scale sculptures which he demonstrated at the Noguchi Museum: www.noguchi.org

Our New President: Ed Huml: huml1@aol.com
Lynn has stepped down after holding this post for many years to bring new leadership to the Group. We all expressed our great gratitude for her service in keeping things running and holding the Group together.

Treasurers Report: We have over $700.00

Ragnar would like to stepped down as Treasurer since he has also held the post for so long but no one has stepped up yet to fill his shoes. If you have those type of skills, please think about taking over this post.
Voted on and approved: The Brooklyn Potters will hold four annual meetings - Sept, November, January and April. The next meeting will be held in April
Also approved: In any meeting holding a guest speaker a nominal fee would be charged to offset costs.

Gift Exchange was fun for all. Everyone made out well.

Sad Note - Adrienne Yurick's husband Solomon had died recently. The New York Times (1/9/13) wrote a piece to honor his life: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/10/arts/sol-yurick-novelist-dies-at-87.html?_r=0
You can contact Adrienne: 249 Lincoln Rd. Brooklyn NY 11225-3422 

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