Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Competition opportunity!

Competition opportunity submitted by Susan Handwerker:

Call for Entries: National Ceramic Exhibitions
The MWSU Clay Guild is sponsoring two national ceramic exhibitions.  The deadline for both is January 12, 2015.  Each exhibition will be offering awards of $500-Best of Show, $200-1st Place, and $100-2nd Place.  Below is further information about each exhibition and links to the prospectuses and online applications.
If you know of anyone that would be interested in applying to one or both of these shows please feel free to forward this information to them. Your help is greatly appreciated.
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MWSU Clay Guild

MWSU Clay Guild - Twin Cups – National Ceramic Exhibition
The Missouri Western State University Clay Guild is sponsoring a National Ceramic Exhibition titled Twin Cups. The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S.  Submitted artworks may be either functional or sculptural representations of a pair of cups, mugs, or drinking vessels, etc.  A $30.00 jury fee entitles each artist to submit a maximum of three entries (each entry consisting of a set of two).  Artworks must have been completed within the last two years.
Juror: Steven Hill
Steven Hill has been a professional studio potter since 1974. Steven's work is exhibited and sold in nationally juried shows and is featured in many ceramics books. He has conducted over 200 workshops throughout the United States and Canada and has written numerous articles for Ceramics Monthly, Pottery Making Illustrated, and Studio Potter, the most recent of which is, “An Approach to Single Firing – Further On”, in the January 2006 Ceramics Monthly.
Awards:      Awards will be selected at the sole discretion of the juror.$500 - Best of Show
$200 - 1st Place
$100 - 2nd Place
January 12, 2015     Online Submission Deadline
January 13, 2015     Postmark for 30.00 Jury Fee
January 26, 2015     Acceptance Notification
February 13, 2015     Shipped Artwork Due to Gallery (artwork may be hand-delivered between 10am-4pm)
February 21, 2015     Installation of Exhibition
February 27, 2015     Exhibition Opens – Reception: 6pm-8pm
March 28, 2015     Exhibition Closes
March 31, 2015     Return of Shipped Artwork Begins and Pick-Up of Hand-Delivered Artwork between 10am-4pm 

Off the Table! Plates for the Wall
The Missouri Western State University Clay Guild is sponsoring a National Ceramic Exhibition titled Off the Table! Plates for the Wall. The exhibition is open to all artists 18 years and older residing in the U.S.  Artworks must have been completed within the last two years. Works may be either functional or sculptural plate/platter forms designed to hang on the wall. All entries must be complete with a hanging device capable of securely supporting the work on the wall. It is preferred that the hanging device not be visible when the piece is displayed.  A $30.00 jury fee entitles each artist to submit a maximum of three entries.
Juror:  John Dennison
John Dennison’s current work has evolved into a series entitled “Bowls Beyond Function.” These bowls and platters serve as a canvas—a surface on which to explore color, texture, theme, and mood. Each one is unique, distinguished by a dry, mottled, craggy surface, the result of several applications and multiple firings of glazes, under-glazes, oxides, and wax resist. John operates a one-man studio, designing, throwing, glazing, firing, and finishing unique ceramic works. Even though he relies on a functional shape, his bowls are, for all intents and purposes, sculptural in nature.

Awards:      Awards will be selected at the sole discretion of the juror.$500 - Best of Show
$200 - 1st Place
$100 - 2nd Place
January 12, 2015     Online Submission Deadline
January 13, 2015     Postmark for 30.00 Jury Fee
January 26, 2015     Acceptance Notification
February 13, 2015     Shipped Artwork Due to Gallery (artwork may be hand-delivered between 10am-4pm)
February 21, 2015     Installation of Exhibition
February 27, 2015     Exhibition Opens – Reception: 6pm-8pm
March 28, 2015     Exhibition Closes
March 31, 2015     Return of Shipped Artwork Begins and Pick-Up of Hand-Delivered Artwork between 10am-4pm 

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