Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

BP Minutes 11/11/12

Submitted by Laura Kastin
Minutes of Brooklyn Potter's Meeting 11/11/12

Present: Ragnar, Rene, Ed H., Victoria B., Ed 
B., Lucille, Sabina, Lynn G., Joan S., Laura K.

-Opening Comments: Those present expressed concern for members who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy. Susan Locke had severe damage to her business, lost her car, and lost power at home. She can be contacted only by phone. Jean Nichols lost power at his home, but did not experience damage. Gerry Gventer, left to teach art on a cruise ship when she lost power at her home in Brighton Beach. Ed H. recommended having renters insurance before future calamities. He mentioned experience with the Chubb company and said they will relocate you if necessary.

Brooklyn Potters will donate $150 to the Craft Emergency Relief Fund (CERF) to assist artists who suffered losses from Hurricane Sandy. CERF will provide no-interest loans and open ended repayment schedules to those who qualify.

Lynn has been talking with the Brooklyn Working Artists Coalition (BWAC) to plan a ceramic sculpture show for fall 2013. Work should be non-functional. Although this will be a juried show, more information will follow regarding how Brooklyn Potter's members will apply and qualify.

-Main Topic: The Future of Brooklyn Potters

Although we draw large groups for our lectures, our other meetings have not been as well attended recently. We explored whether the resources now common on the internet have limited potter's needs for our organization. More artists are sharing group studios than in previous years and may not seek additional social contact with other clay-workers.

Past accomplishments and activities of BP were discussed including: workshops, artist's lectures, member's presentations, studio tours, joint discount buying, Empty Bowls and ongoing fund raising for hunger relief for CHIPS.

Questions were raised about how we can attract and keep new members.
Concerns were expressed about whether out e-mail is getting out and whether communication has been effective.

Some suggestions made:
A BP blog, an inquiry committee, input from communal studios ,better communication, fewer meetings per year.

It was acknowledged that we need new leadership. At the end of this calendar year, Lynn and Ragnar will be stepping down from the offices of president and treasurer that they've held for so long. New candidates have not come forward in the past. We haven't had a regular secretary for a while, but Sabina agreed to do this job in the future.