Brooklyn Potters gathers members into a community to enhance shared aesthetic and technical interests in the clay arts. Interaction and exchange is facilitated between clay artists as well as with the general public of Metropolitan New York through exhibitions, lectures, discussions, workshops, publications, conferences, studio visits and art making activities as well as regularly scheduled membership meetings.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ikebana Workshop. Respond if you are interested!!

You can respond to me or Barbara Cahn

Ikebana Demo Using Containers made by Brooklyn Potters - Submissions Please!

When: Sunday,  May 4, 3-5 pm  (meeting to follow)
Where: LaGuardia Corner Gardens 511 LaGuardia Pl. bet. Bleecker and Houston
Nearest subways: Bleecker St. (#6), Broadway Lafayette (B,D,F), or West 4th St. (A,B,C,D, E, F)

 Ikebana teacher Elizabeth Berry will demonstrate ikebana techniques using containers made by Brooklyn Potters. She is certified in two Ikebana schools in Japan - Ikenobo and Sogetsu - one style  is more traditional, and the other more free-form. Her work has been exhibited both in this country and abroad. Examples can be seen at: http://eberryikebana.blogspot.com/
Containers should be fairly simple. Assymmetrical containers are especially welcome, but anything can be used. Tall vases should have openings no greater than 5" diameter. Low containers often work well - she will have frogs to anchor materials, or if people have them, they can bring them with the container.
She would like to have have photos of the containers, with dimensions of the container and the opening, about 10 days ahead of time, by April 24. Photos can be emailed to Barbara Cahn (bcahnclay@gmail.com) - I will forward them on to her.

She says she can do 8-10 arrangements in the time we have, if more people than that send photos, we'll have her choose the ones that she feels will work best. They goal is for people to come away with the knowledge to create their own arrangements.
The demo will be open to garden members and other members of the public.
People can stay afterwards for a meeting, unless we decide it would be better to have a meeting at another time. The garden has a small cooler and will provide cups, plates and utensils.
People can write Barbara (bcahnclay@gmail.com) with any questions.


Friday, April 11, 2014

Opportunity to sell your work

Judith Hooper is putting together a NYCreates show at the Brooklyn Historical Society on May 3, 12 to 8; and May 4, 10 to 5. $215 per table. She is looking for high-quality work and would welcome a group table from the potters group. Lynn has done the show before, and while she can't do this one, she recommends the show and group. Contact Judith at: jeloisehooper@aol.com

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ikebana Workshop

Ikebana Demo Using Containers made by Brooklyn Potters

When: Sunday,  May 4, 3-5 pm  (meeting to follow)
Where: LaGuardia Corner Gardens 511 LaGuardia Pl. bet. Bleecker and Houston
Nearest subways: Bleecker St. (#6), Broadway Lafayette (B,D,F), or West 4th St. (A,B,C,D, E, F)

 Ikebana teacher Elizabeth Berry will demonstrate ikebana techniques using containers made by Brooklyn Potters. She is certified in two Ikebana schools in Japan - Ikenobo and Sogetsu - one style  is more traditional, and the other more free-form. Her work has been exhibited both in this country and abroad. Examples can be seen at: http://eberryikebana.blogspot.com/
Containers should be fairly simple. Assymmetrical containers are especially welcome, but anything can be used. Tall vases should have openings no greater than 5" diameter. Low containers often work well - she will have frogs to anchor materials, or if people have them, they can bring them with the container.
She would like to have have photos of the containers, with dimensions of the container and the opening, about10 days ahead of time, by April 23 at the latest. Photos can be emailed to Barbara Cahn (bcahnclay@gmail.com) - I will forward them on to her.

She says she can do 8-10 arrangements in the time we have, if more people than that send photos, we'll have her choose the ones that she feels will work best. They goal is for people to come away with the knowledge to create their own arrangements.

We haven't talked about a fee for materials, since we're hoping to get most of what is needed from the garden. But if she needs to buy some things, do people think it would be OK to assess a few dollars to people whose containers are used, since they will be able to take the arrangements home with them?
The demo will be open to garden members and other members of the public.
People can stay afterwards for a meeting, unless we decide it would be better to have a meeting at another time. The garden has a small cooler and will provide cups, plates and utensils.
People can write Barbara with any questions.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Show at the Met Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art: ‘Making Pottery Art: The Robert A. Ellison Jr. Collection of French Ceramics (ca. 1880-1910)’  (through Aug. 18) Nearly all the 40 works in this show — from a collection recently donated to the museum — are in a traditional form of vases, bowls and platters. They represent a marvelous variety of styles and influences, including Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts, classic Chinese traditions, and European folk art. What they share is a love for processes and materials and a candid way with the human touch. Most intriguing of all is a curiously clunky small vase by Paul Gauguin, who might have been the George Ohr of European ceramics if he’d stuck with it. 212-535-7710, metmuseum.org. 


Friday, April 4, 2014


Artist-in-Residence Opportunity!
North Carolina Pottery Center, Seagrove, NC. Two year artist-in-residence (AiR) opportunity available for one *exceptionally* qualified studio potter/ceramic artist for 2014-2016. Fully-equipped studio space, two wood-burning kilns, housing, and $1,000/month stipend. Applications due by April 15, 2014. Details and online application available at the link below.
The Voncannon House (pictured attached), located on NCPC property, will provide housing for the AiR.
We have gotten in a number of very good applications, but we want to make sure that we get the best of the best.
Lindsey A. Lambert
Executive Director, NC Pottery Center
233 East Avenue (Physical Address)
PO Box 531 (Mailing Address)
Seagrove, NC 27341